Despite resistance from Blizzard, Overwatch made Pornhub's top 20 searches in 2016

Shortly after its arrival last year, a spike in Overwatch-related porn was observed by popular pornography video sharing site Pornhub. At the time, Kotaku did an entertaining and notably thorough investigation into the phenomenon, whereafter it appeared a number of videos were shut down—seemingly by Blizzard or supposed contractors acting on its behalf, such as "digital platform security" outfit Irdeto. 

Despite all of this, Overwatch was nevertheless one of Pornhub's most searched for terms in 2016. 

That's according to the site's '2016: Year in Review' which examines porn viewing habits the world over, including which countries generated the most traffic in the last 12 months and what men are more likely to search over women and vice versa. 

Alongside a host of, let's say, more generic search terms, Overwatch is the only new entry to feature in the top 20 list—slotted in just over mid-table at number 11. A list of the 'Most Searched for Pornstars' includes non-porn actresses such as Kim Kardashian, but there is no mention of individual Overwatch heroes here.       

Thanks, indy100

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show