Dawn of War 3 dev diary talks tactics ahead of this weekend's open beta

Having gone hands-on with various playable segments of Dawn of War 3 recently, Samuel, Tom and Fraser Brown all returned with optimistic reports of Sega and Relic's incoming real-time strategy affair. With the game's April 27 launch date just around the corner, game director Philippe Boulle and game designer Carolina Mastretta have now come together to talk us through how to best handle its multiplayer battlegrounds.  

Should you wish to learn some of the following first-hand, know that sign ups for Dawn of War 3's multiplayer open beta this weekend—set to run April 21-24 —are still live in this direction. If you'd rather the professionals showed you the ropes first, though, here's Boulle and Mastretta in action:

Designed to "help prepare you for war", the above offers some helpful tips and leg-ups worth remembering ahead of your first venture into DoW 3's sprawling 3v3 multiplayer war zones. 

If you require yet more advice on how to, you know, survive, then you might like to check out six tips to help you survive the game's open beta, courtesy of the devs.  

Dawn of War 3 is due April 27. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show