Dawn of War 2: Retribution - how to beat The Last Stand

Last Stand thumb

The Last Stand has been one of the most enduring parts of Dawn of War 2 and Retribution has only expanded it with a new hero and map. The characters have completely new sets of wargear too, making it pretty daunting if you're not a Dawn Of War veteran.

We've combed through the community looking for the most efficient builds that the power gamers have been using to rack up the best scores. Follow our guide and you should break wave 20 in no time.

1. Space Marine Captain

The starting race for most Warhammer 40,000 players, the Space Marine is a tough but versatile hero, able to fight in melee or at range, call in minions, or maneuver with his jump pack.

Support Gunner

  • Weapon - Plasma Gun (armour piercing, grants hellfire grenades ability)
  • Armour - Armour of Resilience (immunity to knockback)
  • Accessory 1 - Oath of Merciless Rage/Jump Pack/Terror of Xenos (something to keep him out of melee)
  • Accessory 2 - Rite of Fortitude (+75 health)
  • Accessory 3 - Rite of the Tireless Crusader (ranged resurrection ability)
  • Commander - Larraman's Blessing (healing aura)

This selfless Marine sits back from the main battle and uses his healing aura and resurrection abilities to aid his allies. Never use the revive ability on Bloody Colosseum, your duplicates are tough enough without the ability to raise each other from the dead at will.

Assault Marine

  • Weapon - Power Axe & Plasma Pistol (armour Piercing, +30% damage)
  • Armour - Armour of Vengeance (damages attackers)
  • Accessory 1 - Jump Pack (can jump across map)
  • Accessory 2 - Parable of the Stalwart Brother (+1.5 health regeneration)
  • Accessory 3 - Rite of Fortitude (+75 health)
  • Commander - Dreadnought Drop Pod (grants dreadnought minion)

Simple but effective, this build is tough, does a lot of damage, and has a dreadnought for a pet. In battle his main concern is using his jump pack to stay mobile and harass ranged units.

2. Farseer:

Snooty space elf Eldar are quick and like to kill people with their brains, their lack of giant shoulder pads however makes them fragile.


  • Weapon - Witchblade of Isha & Pistol of the Warseer (+30% damage, increased speed, +0.3 energy regeneration, +25 energy)
  • Armour - Armour of Vaul (immunity to suppression)
  • Accessory 1 - Runes of the Harlequin (grants confuse ability)
  • Accessory 2 - Runes of Deception (grants conceal ability)
  • Accessory 3 - Runes of the Warp (grants group teleport ability)
  • Commander - Spirit Stone of Vigour (energy regeneration aura)

A classic Farseer build, this the emphasis here is on support. Speed, teleportation and a cloak keep you and your allies safe, while you uase confuse as much as possible. If you still find yourself low on energy switch to one of the other armours instead.


  • Weapon - Witchblade of the Crone and Pistol of the Warseer (+30% damage, increased speed)
  • Armour - Armour of Vaul (immunity to suppression)
  • Accessory 1 - Runes of War (+40% damage)
  • Accessory 2 - Runes of Wrath (makes a second, follow up, attack)
  • Accessory 3 - Runes of Fortune/Runes of Evasion (reduce damage)
  • Commander - Spirit Stone of Eldritch Might (large area attack)

It's a well kept secret that the Farseer can handle herself pretty well in battle. With combat expert, combat master and a bonus attack this build does a whole load of damage, while Fortune or Evasion helps keep her safe. In an emergency she can blanket an area with mind lightning.

3. Ork Mekboy:

Unpredictable and unreliable, Ork machines only work because Orks think they should, so if you think these builds are brilliant, they probably will be...


  • Weapon - Big Shoota
  • Armour - Teleporta Pack (grants teleport ability)
  • Accessory 1 - Cybork Parts (+66 armour)
  • Accessory 2 - Sturdy Bitz (immunity to knockback)
  • Accessory 3 - Choose One
  • Commander - Trophy Rack/Boss Poll (reduces incoming damage/increases health)

Most people will start with something like this Mekboy. The cybork parts compensate for the terrible Teleporta Armour as he uses mobility to strafe his enemies. The final accessory slot affects the build very little, so it has been left open to choose from.

Rok Tank

  • Weapon - Big Choppa (+2.0 health regeneration, gain +5 energy per melee kill)
  • Armour - 'Eavy Armour (+75 health)
  • Accessory 1 - Cybork Parts (+66 armour)
  • Accessory 2 - Sturdy Bitz (immunity to knockback)
  • Accessory 3 - Dok's Tools (heals Mekboy and allies when he is hit)
  • Commander - Roks (large area attack)

An unorthodox yet popular build that uses the choppa to swiftly regain energy to fuel the devastating Roks attack. Counts on massive amounts of armour and health to stay alive.

Dakka Turret

  • Weapon - Dakka Deffgun (suppresses enemies, requires setup time)
  • Armour - 'Eavy Armour (+75 health)
  • Accessory 1 - Cybork Parts (+66 armour)
  • Accessory 2 - Sturdy Bitz (immunity to knockback)
  • Accessory 3 - Bubble Shield (gives the ability to knock enemies back if they try and attack the Mekboy)
  • Commander - Trophy Rack/Boss Poll (reduces damage/increases health)

This build is even tougher than the last, with a trophy rack or boss poll (both have merits) adding to the durability. The idea is to set up in one corner and lay down suppressive fire for your teammates, turning on the spot but rarely moving.

Bubble Burna

  • Weapon - Burna (area attack, ignores cover)
  • Armour - 'Eavy Armour (+75 health)
  • Accessory 1 - Cybork Parts (+66 Armour)
  • Accessory 2 - Sturdy Bitz (immunity to knockback)
  • Accessory 3 - Bubble Shield (gives the ability to knock enemies back if they try and attack the Mekboy)
  • Commander - Trophy Rack/Boss Poll (reduces damage/increases health)

Another tough Ork, this one cheekily uses a bubble shield to bounce enemies out of melee and into his flamer radius. Very strong against swarms of enemies.

4. Hive Tyrant:

The Hive Tyrant is one of the best of the Last Stand characters. It's as tough as a Space Marine, and comes complete with minions. Just try not to let the voice of the hive mind creep you out too much.

Minion Bomber

  • Weapon - Crushing Talons (+1 minion heath regeneration, minions attacks heal Tyrant)
  • Armour - Poison Cysts (+25 Health, immunity to knockback and suppression, can create toxic miasma cloud)
  • Accessory 1 - Explosive Decomposition (minions explode into miasma cloud when they die)
  • Accessory 2 - Bio Feedback (Tyrant becomes briefly invulnerable when minions die)
  • Accessory 3 - Genestealer Nest (grants Genestealer minions)
  • Commander - Synapse (50% reduction to all ability energy costs)

This is considered one of the most powerful builds in Last Stand. The secret is feedback invulnerability and explosive decomposition. Whenever your minions die they explode and you get a burst of invulnerability. This can be manually triggered by summoning new ones. Synapse means you can do this really often too.

Ravener Master

  • Weapon - Venom Cannon (armour piercing)
  • Armour - Bonded Exoskeleton (+75 health, +50 minion health, +2 minion health regeneration, immunity to knockback and suppression)
  • Accessory 1 - Ravener Nest (grants Ravener minion)
  • Accessory 2 - Toxin Sacs (+20 minion health, minions do damage over time)
  • Accessory 3 - Implant Attacks (+20 minion Health, +30% damage, +30% minion damage)
  • Commander - Evolution (+2 health regeneration, +20 minion Health, +2 minion Health regeneration, increased minion Speed, +25% minion damage)

Another strong Tyrant build, here the massive ranged damage of the Ravener minion is exploited, backed up by the handy armour piercing Venom Cannon.

5. Chaos Sorcerer:

The Chaos Sorcerer has two main modes, make nigh invincible clones of his allies, and set everything on fire while cackling with glee. When he was first released a party of three Sorcerers could clone each other infinitely until the game crashed from the strain.

Minion master

  • Weapon - Staff of Tzeentch (grants teleport ability)
  • Armour - Armour of Eternal War (+40% damage, +40% Minion damage, grants ability to clone enemies)
  • Accessory 1 - Demonic Gift of Retaliation (clones damage enemies who attack them)
  • Accessory 2 - Demonic Gift of Sustenance (clone gains +2 Energy per kill, Gains Health equal to damage caused)
  • Accessory 3 - Sigil of Greater Sorcery (improves Sorcerer abilities)
  • Commander - Icon of Greater Summoning (allows Sorcerer to clone heroic units)

This build is all about maximising the potential of the Sorcerer's duplicate ability, meanwhile Teleportation will keep you alive to cloneeven more. On Bloody Colosseum clone your toughest ally and kill your own doppleganger before he does the same (we recommend a sniper round to the head). Never clone yourself, it just gets confusing.

Guerrilla Doombolter

  • Weapon - Staff of Tzeentch (grants teleport ability)
  • Armour - Armour of Might Undivided (immunity to knockback and suppression, all clone bonuses apply to the Sorcerer instead)
  • Accessory 1 - Sigil of Greater Sorcery (improves Sorcerer abilities)
  • Accessory 2 - Daemonic Gift of Sustenance (Sorcerer gains +2 energy per kill, gains health equal to damage caused)
  • Accessory 3 - Tome of Doom (grants Doombolt ability)
  • Commander - Icon of Summoning (+125 health)

Built along the same lines as the Mekboy Teleporter, this Sorcerer moves quickly around the battlefield performing hit and run Doombolt attacks. Doombolt is inaccurate at long range but you can hit at short to medium range and use teleport to escape.

Galactic Burner

  • Weapon - Staff of Demonic Flame (grants let the galaxy burn ability)
  • Armour - Armour of Might Undivided (immunity to knockback and suppression, all clone bonuses apply to the Sorcerer instead)
  • Accessory 1 - Sigil of Greater Sorcery (improves Sorcerer abilities)
  • Accessory 2 - Sigil of Master Sorcery (improves Sorcerer abilities)
  • Accessory 3 - Daemonic Gift of Sustenance (Sorcerer gains +2 energy per kill, gains health equal to damage caused)
  • Commander - Icon of Summoning (+125 Health)

Let the Galaxy Burn is one of the most potent (and best named) area attacks in the game, this build pushes up it's damage creating a durable and potent Sorcerer.

6. Lord General

Sadly the Lord General both lacks a tank to drive him closer, and is fairly poor at hitting things with his sword. He does however have some interesting minion choices, a handy turret and a sniper rifle that makes other ranged characters weep with envy.


  • Weapon - Flamer (area attack, ignores cover, Guardsmen also get flamers)
  • Armour - Master Crafted Carapace Armour (immunity to suppression, grants ability to deploy Heavy Bolter turret)
  • Accessory 1 - Medallion Crimson (+30% damage)
  • Accessory 2 - Honorifica Imperialis (+25 armour, +2 health regeneration)
  • Accessory 3 - Commissar (+30% minion damage)
  • Commander - Guardsmen (can carry flamers)

A strong anti-infantry build, the Turret suppresses enemies while you and your Guardsmen burn everything in sight. Choose either a sergeant or medallion depending on if you value your men or yourself.

Big Game Hunter

  • Weapon - Deadly Sniper Rifle (+1 energy regeneration, grants high powered shot ability)
  • Armour - Artificer Carapace Armour (immunity to knockback, grants ability to deploy Missile Turret)
  • Accessory 1 - Medallion Crimson (+30% damage)
  • Accessory 2 - Sergeant (+100 minion armour, +2 minion health regeneration)
  • Accessory 3 - Commissar (+30% minion damage)
  • Commander - Ogryns (have more health than other minions)

The classic sniper General, with the medallion crimson he is capable of taking out annoying Zoanthropes in a single shot, meanwhile Ogyrns with both a sergeant and a commissar are fully capable of decimating enemies alone.

Can Opener

  • Weapon - Plasma Rifle (armour piercing, guardsmen also get plasma rifles)
  • Armour - Artificer Carapace Armour (immunity to knockback, grants ability to deploy Missile Turret)
  • Accessory 1 - Medallion Crimson (+30% damage)
  • Accessory 2 - Sergeant (+100 minion armour, +2 minion health regeneration)
  • Accessory 3 - Commissar (+30% minion damage)
  • Commander - Guardsmen (can carry plasma rifles)

The Plasma Rifle is a deadly tool, and this build is about getting them on the field and keeping them there. Very strong against armoured enemies.


  • Weapon - Deadly Sniper Rifle (+1 energy regeneration, grants high powered shot ability)
  • Armour - Cadia Pattern Carapace Armour (+0.2 energy regeneration)
  • Accessory 1 - Medallion Crimson (+30% damage)
  • Accessory 2 - Honorifica Imperialis (+25 armour, +2 health regeneration)
  • Accessory 3 - Rocket Run (large area attack)
  • Commander - Storm Troopers (grants ability to fast retreat if in danger, Reduces cooldown on all abilities by 25%)

An unorthodox late-game build, the Stormtrooper's cooldown ability allows the General to cover an area with rockets, while strong armour protects him (and keeps his energy up). Some people don't even bother summoning the Stormtroopers when things start getting hard; the bonus abilities they bestow are enough.

These are the best builds we've found out there, but they're certainly not the only ones. What do you like to play as? Have you beaten wave 20 already? Honestly?

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