Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness DLC unveiled, due Spring 2018

Since launch early last year, Darkest Dungeon has given us a wonderful official expansion in Crimson Court and a host of neat unofficial player-made mods. Now, developer Red Hook Studios has unveiled 'The Color of Madness'—a new slice of DLC that's due next Spring and features extraterrestrial beings. 

In something akin to Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds, aliens have crash landed on Miller's farm on the outskirts of the Hamlet. Those in the immediate vicinity have been blinded upon impact, so says this dev blog post, in turn forming a new enemy faction who has set about "spreading the all-consuming influence of the Comet's light." This undoubtedly sounds more pleasant in writing than it is in practice.      

"Get lost in time and space as you confront unending waves of enemies, new and old, pushing ever closer to the crash site of the Comet," the post adds. "Survive as long as you can stomach, and compare your highest kill count with friends and rivals alike … The husks of the Miller and his farmhands roam the area around the windmill, spreading the all-consuming influence of the Comet’s light."

The Color of Madness also brings with it Comet Shards that can be used to purchase new trinkets "with new and powerful functionality" from the Nomad Wagon. 

No hard release date just yet, however Red Hook Studios says The Color of Madness is due in Spring 2018. Pricing information will follow in the new year. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show