Cyberpunk 2077 could feature a ‘huge living city’ and ‘seamless multiplayer’

CD Projekt Red’s next game supposedly has more people working on it than The Witcher 3 ever did, however little else is known about Cyberpunk 2077 beyond its tabletop roots. Geralt’s last outing set the bar high with regards to open-world exploration, and it seems the Polish studio is keen to keep this momentum going, having applied for grants via the Polish GameINN programme for various technologies, including ‘City Creation’, ‘Animation Excellence’, ‘Cinematic Feel’, and ‘Seamless Multiplayer.’

As reported and translated by GamePressure, City Creation is a “complex technology for creating a huge living city, playable in real time, which (the technology) is based on rules, AI, and automation, as well as supports innovative processes and tools for making top-notch open-world games."

Seamless Multiplayer, on the other hand, is a “complex technology for making unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics, including the ability to search out for opponents, manage game session, replicate objects, as well as support for different game modes along with a unique set of dedicated tools." Animation Excellence and Cinematic Feel are likely more self-explanatory. 

We contacted CD Projekt Red to confirm the veracity of the applications, to which the studio's Robert Malinowski replied: "We did apply, I can confirm that, yes. However, we wouldn't like to elaborate beyond what's already there."

Assuming CD Projekt Red’s grant applications are successful, can we assume they’ll be applied to the forthcoming Cyberpunk 2077? As Andy reported earlier this month—the game’s Facebook page has been inactive since April 2014, and its Twitter account hasn’t posted since late 2013. 

At this stage I too am inclined to take what I can get and would love to assume the above is tied to CDP’s next venture. Either way, the move to secure these grants proves the studio is thinking big into the future. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show