Conan Exiles launch trailer has death, decapitation, destructive deities

Conan Exiles, Funcom's latest open-world survival game, is out now on Steam's Early Access platform. Yesterday, PC Gamer's survivalist/naturist expert Chris Livingston got his hands on a copy ahead of time for review purposes and immediately set about testing its most important features. With the headline "Conan Exiles has an 'endowment' slider and genital physics", this article begins with the following disclaimer:

"Note: this post contains several animated gifs of dongs and testicles from Conan Exiles, and those dongs and testicles are bouncing around all over the place, and changing sizes. There's some pretty extreme taint and buttcrack on display as well. Okay? Okay."  

Needless to say, that post is a little NSFW so follow the above mentioned link with caution. 

Anyway, Conan Exiles now has an Early Access launch trailer which has oodles of death, decapitation, and a fair few of those towering Avatar god monsters Funcom spoke of last month. There's a few strapping lads donning loincloths, but that's as risque as this one gets. 

Expect some more cultured thoughts on Funcom's latest slant on the Conan the Barbarian universe in the near future. 

"Look, I promise I'll have a more substantial post on Conan Exiles in the near future," says Chris at the end (easy now) of his dong-inspired post above. "Presumably, the Early Access survival game has features and activities beyond watching your character's pipe and nuts jumping and jiggling all over the place. And hey, I did craft a shirt, but I'm making it a personal goal to never, ever wear pants."

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show