Civilization V: The Swedish Saga, part 6: The Epic Conclusion

The future is now

The Information Era has dawned for the NDU. We're embarrassingly far ahead of everyone else in terms of tech now. Of the five remaining world powers, two are still in the Modern Era, and the other two just behind me in the Atomic Era. I'm three whole techs ahead of Russia, and have taken the lead in production, income, and total gold. As the war to end all wars closes, the Norse have become the dominant global superpower. Winning still won't be trivial, though. Three other nations have space programs, racing me to a Science victory. And Greece, even weakened, is allied with something like 100 bazillion city-states, meaning it would win a diplomatic victory almost by default if anyone builds the United Nations.

My goal right now is to get the Hubble Telescope wonder up and running. It'll let me build spaceship components faster and grant me two Great Scientists to ensure that my tech lead stays secure for the rest of the game.

1975 A.D.: The Restoration Party, responsible for ending the war with Greece, implements high-level governmental reforms focused on turning the post-war economic boom into sustainable growth. Military scientists begin transitioning into the civilian sector, bringing wondrous new consumer technologies to the market.

I adopted the Socialism policy, which will reduce the upkeep cost of every building in my empire. This has further cemented my global economic dominance. I could probably buy an ocean or two at this point. I also purchased a Great Scientist with faith, which is where the rest of my faith points for the rest of the game will be funneled.

1976 A.D.: Work begins on the cockpit design for an interstellar manned spacecraft at Helsinki.

You need six spaceship parts to win a Science victory: a cockpit, a stasis chamber, an engine, and three boosters. Each component is unlocked by a different technology, and thanks to the production-focused infrastructure I've been building since turn one, my major cities can crank these out mega fast.