Cities: Skylines modder to craft city-builder’s next DLC

Behind Cities: Skylines’ sophisticated updates and real-world projects lies a dedicated community of modders. From the sublime to the ridiculous, it’s an ever-burgeoning group who never seems short of ideas—something Colossal Order and Paradox appear to have taken note of in the game’s latest DLC. 

The ‘Content Creator Pack: Art Deco’ is the city-builder's next incoming expansion and is a collection of modder Matt “Shroomblaze” Crux’s work. Paradox will publish the add-on at £3.99/$4.99 and will “share the benefits from the pack’s sales with the content creator,” as well as offering an initial payment to “cover the cost of production.”

As the title suggests, Crux’s original creations (some of which are featured below) include a range of Deco-inspired buildings, however future Content Creator packs will highlight the work and different styles of other intuitive modders.  

“After over 3,400 hours in Cities: Skylines, it’s wonderful to have my own buildings become part of the game’s landscape,” says Crux himself. “Because the Art Deco era is so highly regarded as one of the best building styles of history, I think it needs to be represented as such. 

"I made the suggestion to Paradox Interactive and they allowed me to come up with the buildings of my choice. I’m eager to see what the rest of the community thinks of them.”

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show