Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 gets mod tools in latest update

In just over a month’s time, you’ll be able to run/float around in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s interstellar war world—but that doesn’t mean the current series instalment is ready to retire just yet. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 has received a new update—number 15.1—which adds mod tools for the first time. 

“Many of you have expressed interest in testing the tools, so we are very excited to open up access to the whole community. We also want to thank all of the Alpha testers for their support in getting the tools ready for Open Beta,” reads the update blurb on the game’s Steam Community page. “The tools and related in-game features are all still in Beta testing phase so expect some updates along the way. Your feedback will be very valuable in helping us find and address the most important issues, so thank you in advance for your support.”

Assuming you own the full game, mods can be played both through the Unranked Server Browser and/or Custom Game lobbies. Players can install Mod Tools via their Steam Library’s ‘Tool Section’, where a new ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3—Mod Tools’ heading should appear. 

Of course, you’re only required to download these should you want to create mods—you’re free to play away as soon as you’ve installed update 15.1. To this end, developers Treyarch have compiled handy How To guides for playing and creating Black Ops 3 mods. 

Besides the launcher and mod support, the new update also brings with a Radiant Level Editor, an Asset Property Editor, and the usual list of bug fixes and a security update. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show