Call of Cthulhu E3 trailer takes closest look at Darkwater Island yet

Whenever I think of Cyanide Studio's upcoming RPG-investigate 'em up slant on Call of Cthulhu, I'm reminded of Jonathan Bolding's article last year that asked: Can Call of Cthulhu ever be a good videogame? Within, the author chats to lead developer Jean-Marc Gueney about how Cyanide is tackling the esteemed name, and also explores why it's so difficult to capture Lovecraft in a videogame.

What we've seen of Cyanide's angle so far shows much promise—be that while exploring themes of madness and cultists, or when teasing its gloomy, despondent world. The latest trailer to emerge from E3 delves into these ideas further still, to the point where I'll now be disappointed if Cyanide fails to affirm Jonathan's question above.     

Here, have a gander:

Said to "plunge into the mind" of private investigator protagonist Edward Pierce, the above outlines how the game's protagonist is losing his perception of reality and is becoming "more skewed the closer he gets to the Great Dreamer’s sphere of influence," so reads a statement. 


It continues: "Clutch to your withering sanity to discover the conspiracies, the cultists and otherworldly terrors that inhabit the twisted universe imagined by Lovecraft… it is said that madness is the only way that can bring you to the truth."


Call of Cthulhu is due at some stage in December this year. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show