Beyond Skyrim project releases a new video on the Roscrea expansion

(Image credit: Beyond Skyrim)

The ambitious Beyond Skyrim modding project has released a new developer diary highlighting the Roscrea zone, an island to the northeast of Skyrim inhabited by a precursor people related to The Elder Scrolls' Nords. The diary highlights the environs of the rugged, volcanic island and its people. There are vistas of sweeping cliffsides, hidden bays, and steep, forested mountains surrounded by the blue sea. It's really quite pretty. There are also some shots of lovely new furniture they've made and which I would happily own in real life given the chance.

The Beyond Skyrim project is a collective of modders working together on a series of compatible zones to expand Skyrim's world. Their goal is to expand Skyrim to encompass more of The Elder Scrolls' world, like the province of Cyrodiil originally detailed in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but also smaller locations like Roscrea. 

Roscrea is as-yet unreleased, but other zone mods in the project have versions available to try. If you're interested in learning more about the project or testing its component mods for yourself, check out their official website.


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Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.