Battlefield 1 reveals second night map that's due in the coming months

Last month, EA revealed Nivelle Nights as the next map heading to Battlefield 1—a nighttime-set arena that'll be made available to Premium Pass holders in June. The publisher has now unveiled a second map, named Prise de Tahure, that's set to enter the game's Community Test Environment "shortly".

Taking place in the aftermath of the Nivelle Offensive, the latest autumnal warzone sees troops "desperately holding onto recaptured heights in the Butte-de-Tahure region". Billed as a "war of attrition", the frontlines weave through the tight and narrow setting's village streets—possibly similar to the game's Amiens murdergrounds—which should make for some fast and frantic set-tos between its French and German armies.    

This blog post suggests more information is on its way—very possibly at EA's Play event at E3 next month—however it also advises those keen to get ahead of the pack to sign up for the CTE

No footage as yet, but here's some screens:

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show