BannerPage is a dedicated enhancement mod for Mount & Blade: Warband

(Image credit: TaleWorlds Entertainment)

Thinking about a trip back into Mount & Blade: Warband ahead of the Mount & Blade 2 release later this year? BannerPage has you covered. It’s a huge enhancement mod for MBW building on the popular Native mod, targeting where “Native MBW is thin and [aiming] to significantly improve areas in which [the] game hasn’t aged well. Bannerpage overhauls the game’s graphics first and foremost, but deepens systems and improves their interactions with a host of other improvements. It also adds big changes like seafaring, with trade and battles. There are also bridge battles, which are horrible in a good way. They’re even more of a meat grinder than a siege, to be honest. I love them.

It’s also packed with smaller improvements, like UI tweaks. There are a bunch of report screens that tell you information, and give you things like troop tree upgrades, as well as a trade ledger for those of you who make your living hauling things instead of killing people. The graphics overhauls also include redesigns of the troop types and how they look, which is very good. There are also, and I cannot stress this enough, unique faces for everyone. 

You can check out BannerPage at ModDB. 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.