All Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Shift codes and how to redeem them
I've got the skeleton key, I've got the secret.

Looking for some Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Shift codes? Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is well established and there are all-new Shift codes to redeem. There's a big ol' chest in Brighthoof, home of Queen Butt Stallion, and you'll need a Skeleton Key to open it, which you'll get from a Shift code. There's no telling what loot is stashed away in the chest but rest assured, it'll be some powerful stuff. With that in mind, let's take a look at the latest Shift codes and how to redeem them.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Shift codes
Recent updates
As of March 11, 2025, there are four current active Shift codes for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, one of which expires March 13, and three of which have unknown expiration dates:
- S6FBB-KST63-TTTBB-3BTT3-CTK93 - 3 Skeleton Keys (expires March 13)
- SXFBT-39953-J33TT-3T333-KSHW6 - 50 Skeleton Keys (unknown expiration)
- CSWTB-TZCZH-WFC6Z-633TT-SJ6JS - 10 Skeleton Keys (unknown expiration)
- 59KBB-95FSS-WRKRH-FJJJ3-KT6K6 - 10 Skeleton Keys (unknown expiration)
New Shift codes typically appear weekly, or even more frequently on some occasions, so check back here for new codes and keep an eye on Twitter. First place to check: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford's Twitter account. While your friendly neighborhood freelance writer might be frustrated at Pitchford's tendency to drop codes on weekends, he's been the initial vector for a lot of recent Shift codes. Also worth checking the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Twitter and the Borderlands official Twitter account, which had for a long time retweeted Shift codes as they appeared, though they haven't done much of that lately.
Here's how to redeem your Shift codes, once you've got them.
How to redeem Shift codes
There are two ways to redeem Shift codes: in-game via the Shift menu, or through the Shift website. To redeem in-game, open up the Social menu either from the start while playing and tab over to Shift. Input the code and hit redeem and voila, you've got a Skeleton key. You can collect it from the Mail tab in the same menu.
Alternatively, you can go to the Shift website and input it there. After that, head to the Mail tab in the Social menu to retrieve it. Once you've got the key, head to Brighthoof to unlock the chest and claim your reward.
Expired Shift codes
- SXFTJ-3ZT6T-JJTTB-JBJ3J-XZCFJ - 3 Skeleton Keys
- S66J3-FRTX3-3J3BB-BBTB3-WTTHZ - 3 Skeleton Keys
- SFRJJ-CRTXB-JBBB3-JBJT3-XKSH6 - 3 Skeleton Keys
- HFF3J-TRBFB-B333B-JJ3JT-9ZFZH - 3 Skeleton Keys
- Z663T-XCJF3-B3B33-B333J-SJCTZ - 3 Skeleton Keys
- HX63J-9JT63-BJBTB-TB333-RZXFW - 3 Skeleton Keys
- SFFB3-KTXSB-333JJ-3B3J3-JX5FH - 10 Skeleton Keys
- ZX63B-9SZWT-3BBJT-J33JJ-H9KJ6 - 3 Skeleton Keys
- SFRJB-RZSK3-JBJTB-J3B33-ZK5SB - 3 Skeleton Keys
- ZFRTT-9KR3J-J3JBJ-BJBJJ-BHFHJ - 3 Skeleton Keys
- SFXBJ-6BFJB-TJ3BT-BJ3J3-RCHWX - 3 Skeleton Keys
- H6FTB-35R33-J333B-JTB3T-K5HJX - 3 Skeleton Keys
- SF6T3-5BRJ3-33JB3-TBJJJ-5JZWX - Three Skeleton Keys
- 9XRJJ-T9C3J-BJTJT-T3BB3-WR55R - Three Skeleton Keys
- H6FBB-RHKJ3-BTJJB-J3BTJ-3KWZJ - Three Skeleton Keys
- HXX3T-H5W3T-TTBTB-T33TT-C369T - Three Skeleton Keys
- 9F6JT-KXXTJ-BJBB3-JTJT3-TWHFZ - Three Skeleton Keys
- ZX6TJ-S3633-BBBJB-BBTJJ-WXZSB - Three Skeleton Keys
- SF6T3-CSWJ3-333JJ-TTTB3-CB3F5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- 96RBT-ZTC33-T3T33-JT3BT-9BHZJ - Three Skeleton Keys
- SXFTJ-R6XT3-3JBJ3-BT3B3-ZJJRW - Three Skeleton Keys
- HR6TT-S65BT-B333B-B3JBB-93CCW - Three Skeleton Keys
- HFX3T-C553T-TJTBT-TBTBJ-KB9JF - Three Skeleton Keys
- S6RBJ-HH6BT-JBBTT-333T3-RJ5KC - Three Skeleton Keys
- HR6TJ-5TZ3T-TJJBJ-BBB3T-KCFSH - Three Skeleton Keys
- SFX3J-R3W3B-TBTB3-TBJBJ-C5BTR - Three Skeleton Keys
- ZRX3J-W3CJ3-3JB3T-TJJBJ-3JCBX - Three Skeleton Keys
- ZFR3B-S6653-T3T3J-TBJ3J-ZB3WH - Five Skeleton Keys
- HRRJT-XSTJB-J3TT3-3TT33-RZB93 - Three Skeleton Keys
- H6X33-WS33T-B3JJ3-33TTJ-9ZCF9 - Three Skeleton Keys
- Z6FJT-JZTBT-JTBTJ-3B3JT-R6H5C - Three Skeleton Keys
- ZX6TB-S6J33-BTTT3-BTBB3-ZHX5T - Three Skeleton Keys
- H6FT3-KRTBJ-JJJB3-BTJJT-WWKTC - Three Skeleton Keys
- HX63J-TCXKB-33BTJ-TBBJJ-FTB5H - Three Skeleton Keys
- SX6TT-JXTBB-TJT3T-BJJBJ-CZRJ5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- ZRFBB-HKJ33-3TBJ3-JJTTB-5F5BF - Three Skeleton Keys
- H6RTB-6KJTJ-3BTBB-3JBB3-X3FH5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- S6RTT-CCBJJ-TT3B3-BB3T3-W3WZ3 - Three Skeleton Keys
- H6RBT-3KB3J-JJTBJ-B3T3B-3XCTW - Three Skeleton Keys
- 9F6TJ-HBT3B-JTTBJ-TJT3J-RRWB5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- SF6JB-R333B-33BTT-3TB3B-RB3F3 - Three Skeleton Keys
- 9F6TT-53BBJ-BTJJJ-TTJJJ-KJ5XR - Three Skeleton Keys
- 9FRBT-TJ33J-33J33-TB33T-JK9TR - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3BXTB-Z5CSB-F5355-3BJ3J-C69TK - Skeleton Keys and Golden Keys
- 5ZWTJ-XXBT3-FXWRZ-XJJJT-96XZ6 - Three Skeleton Keys
- TJX33-CWWST-XWJWW-TJJ3J-CK6HJ - Three Skeleton Keys
- TTRT3-BK5ZT-XCJW5-B3JJJ-JXXXJ - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3363B-9TC9B-RCBKC-TBT3T-F99FB - Three Skeleton Keys
- BJR3T-RBKZT-FCTCC-BJ3TT-ZJFFR - Three Skeleton Keys
- T3XBJ-53WSB-XK3C5-JJTTB-BRX3T - Three Skeleton Keys
- JB6JJ-JJWSB-R5JCC-TJ3T3-KZBXX - Three Skeleton Keys
- TTX3B-SH3SB-6KBWW-BJJBT-JCXT5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- J3RTB-XHTHT-XW3WK-BJTTT-5KS3H - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJXTJ-5HBS3-FWTC5-T3JBB-KRFKW - Three Skeleton Keys
- BJRBB-T9TZJ-FKTKK-JJT33-9SB6C - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3TF3J-RKZ93-93BFK-3TTBB-HXFXS - Red Hellion Shotgun
- JB6T3-5K9HT-ZTJ65-JBTT3-BT6WS - Crossblade Shotgun
- 3JR33-RR39T-6WB5C-TJTB3-36C9H - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3J6T3-5RB9T-6CBWK-BTTT3-W35CS - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJXTB-9WB93-6C3CW-B33T3-FBF9T - Three Skeleton Keys
- J3R3J-FCJZT-R5JWK-TJ3B3-CJ6JB - Three Skeleton Keys
- TBXJJ-T5JHB-6K3CW-TJ3J3-656J9 - Three Skeleton Keys
- 336TJ-3W9SJ-9J3FK-JT3JB-R33TF - Goblin Pickaxe Weapon
- T3FJT-SBZZT-93BFC-3B3TB-3BTRB - Liquid Cooling Weapon
- J3R3J-Z9ZRT-6KBCK-33T3B-33CJS - Three Skeleton Keys
- JBRBB-HFW9J-XW3K5-3TT3J-TZ5CZ - Knights of Butt Stallion Armor & Banner
- JTRB3-WTZ9T-HB36W-T3JBJ-93TC6 - Frying Pan Weapon
- BJ6J3-RBHHJ-SBTF5-JJ3TB-HFHWX - Blue Cake Weapon
- 3BXTB-JT9HB-9JB6C-JBTJB-ZFXSS - Live Wire Weapon
- TBF3B-KHSXT-FKJKK-T3T33-CT6JS - Three Skeleton Keys
- J3F3T-3Z9XT-RWTW5-BT33J-ST55C - Three Skeleton Keys
- 33XJB-C6KST-65TWW-JJJTJ-S36SW - Three Skeleton Keys
- JTX3T-WFZXJ-XW3CC-JTTBB-K3F56 - Three Skeleton Keys
- BTRJB-BFZXT-XW3KW-3JBTJ-HZ5WK - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3TX3T-R9XST-933RW-3BBTT-WJBCC - Gluttony Weapon
- 336BB-H3TFZ-W5BK5-3JT33-SBC5S - Three Skeleton Keys
- TTF33-K9XH3-ST3RC-TTJT3-RW66W - Reign of Arrows Shotgun
- J3FBT-63JFS-KK35K-TJ3J3-JRJ6W - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJXTB-CJ3X9-WWTC5-3J3J3-ZHJ6T - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJRTJ-J9RZT-H3T65-BTJ3J-J3FTZ - Swordsplosion Weapon
- BTR3T-TJJXZ-WKBCC-BJTJ3-HXZ5F - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJRTJ-9HZCS-C53CC-BJBTJ-BXXSH - Three Skeleton Keys
- BBXTT-6HHWH-WW3KC-TJBJ3-3H9TX - Three Skeleton Keys
- BTRJ3-RWCH3-ZB3XK-JJJ33-K6H95 - Ye Olde Shimmy Emote
- 3TFJ3-SCC93-HJBRK-33JTB-F9XXK - Astral Body Armor Pattern
- T36B3-JRKST-HBT6K-BT33B-ZBSJC - Tank's Top Headgear
- B363J-K6K9J-ZB36C-3TB3T-R9Z55 - Glacial Cascade Spellbook
- BTRB3-FRCS3-SBB65-JBTJ3-ZFKK3 - Five Skeleton Keys
- TBF3T-ZXW93-ZBJFW-JJ33B-3TF3Z - Ducal Diamond Armor Color
- TBFTB-JHC93-9J36K-3T3BB-Z6X99 - Cryo Swordsplosion
- J36TJ-WS5S3-STJR5-TJJT3-9FS9B - Pony Ride Emote
- BBX33-69CZJ-STTXW-T3J3J-BHXJ6 - Flower Wreath Headgear
- J3F33-9HCSJ-9TTR5-33BJ3-5XKBW - Fragment Rain SMG
- TB63J-WSH5H-CK3WW-BTBT3-TBXTC - Three Skeleton Keys
- JJ6T3-9CSRB-RKJ5W-JBJJJ-WRXRC - Three Skeleton Keys
- J3FJT-BWKSJ-9JBXK-T33T3-RT966 - Five Skeleton Keys
- J36J3-K5WZJ-STBXW-3BJBJ-BR93C - Nightshade SMG
- 3TFTB-XKHXB-F5BC5-JTJTJ-HK96X - Three Skeleton Keys
- TJRB3-CKZRB-F5JK5-B3BBB-3FZC9 - Three Skeleton Keys
- JTR3T-TCHR3-XK3W5-J33T3-TF6H5 - Three Skeleton Keys
- JT63T-TS9WS-W5TW5-J3TTJ-WB6RX - Three Skeleton Keys
- JBRTJ-S6ZCH-5WJWW-JTTJB-KFHFS - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3BFBT-R6H5S-CKTW5-JBTBB-Z6FRR - Three Skeleton Keys
- BTXJT-5XZW9-WC3C5-TTJ3B-TCXWB - Three Skeleton Keys
- 3BRBB-36HWS-CKJCC-3BTTT-K53HX - Three Skeleton Keys
- 5H533-9XT3T-FXWFZ-RJTTB-6FXKJ - Ten Skeleton Keys
- 3JF33-TCH5S-K5JW5-TJ3TJ-3SJH6 - One Skeleton Key
- 3JF3T-H3ZKH-WKTWW-33TTB-THJJF - One Skeleton Key
- 3BR3J-F39KH-C5B5C-J3JJT-RHBSB - One Skeleton Key
- BBRBB-JBHCH-5WJCK-BJ3JB-JT96S - One Skeleton Key
- TBXTT-9H6W9-KC35C-BBTJT-35CJ5 - One Skeleton Key
- JJ63T-FS659-KWTKC-B33JT-3C663 - One Skeleton Key
- TBRT3-KZ6C9-5KBCC-JBT3J-CKJRH - One Skeleton Key
- BJR3T-THR59-CCJKW-TBJJB-BTZS5 - One Skeleton Key
- JB6BJ-SR6WS-5WJ5K-JBBT3-FK9TK - One Skeleton Key
- T3FJT-F6RCH-WWJKW-B33BT-KRRHB - One Skeleton Key
- BBFJB-W665H-5W35C-JTB3J-55H6B - One Skeleton Key
- BBF33-TFFWZ-KC3KW-3JJJJ-WCXZR - One Skeleton Key
- J3RT3-9W6W9-WCJ5C-333J3-5CJRF - One Skeleton Key
- 3J6BT-6CFWH-W5T5W-BJJTB-RKZ3W - One Skeleton Key
- 3BRTJ-5K659-K5355-BTB3T-633F3 - One Skeleton Key
- TBRJJ-TW659-W5B5C-T3B3J-3BTBK - One Skeleton Key
- W9CJT-5XJTB-RRKRS-FTJ3T-BTRKK - Three Skeleton Keys
- T3R33-9BRWH-KKBKW-B3TTB-36TBF - One Skeleton Key
- JJRJB-CS3WZ-WWTW5-33BJT-JZ9RJ - One Skeleton Key
- B3F3J-3S3KZ-CWBWC-BTT3T-SHF5F - One Skeleton Key
- BTX3T-6RTWZ-K5BW5-3BBB3-3TFCZ - One Skeleton Key
- JBRTT-BZH6F-CC3W5-3TTTB-XB9HH - One Skeleton Key
- BTFTB-RSJKZ-WWB5C-T3JJT-BS36S - One Skeleton Key
- TB6BT-SWJCS-WKTK5-3B3B3-5BJW9 - One Skeleton Key
- B36T3-KSZ6F-K5TKK-JJ3B3-B6B3J - One Skeleton Key
- BJFBJ-9W9K9-KC3WW-TTBB3-WX5J9 - Three Skeleton Keys
Once there are more codes available, the expired ones will appear here so you don't waste your time and efforts trying to redeem them. Don't say I'm not good to you! If you're just getting started with Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, check out our guide on which is the best starting class.
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Sean's first PC games were Full Throttle and Total Annihilation and his taste has stayed much the same since. When not scouring games for secrets or bashing his head against puzzles, you'll find him revisiting old Total War campaigns, agonizing over his Destiny 2 fit, or still trying to finish the Horus Heresy. Sean has also written for EDGE, Eurogamer, PCGamesN, Wireframe, EGMNOW, and Inverse.
- Sarah RichterContributor
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