Where to find Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring

Elden Ring summons
(Image credit: From Software)
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Wondering how to use Elden Ring Spirit Ashes to help you out in the Lands Between? One of the biggest changes to the Souls' formula arriving with Elden Ring is the ability to summon mobs of creatures and individual NPCs to help you once you get the Spirit Calling Bell near the start of the game.

This extremely powerful ability takes a lot of the pressure away from difficult areas and bosses, as well as giving offline players an easier time facing bosses that don't have NPC summons. Don't have a summon for a boss? Just summon an NPC with the bell.

To summon allies, you'll need Spirit Ashes, and this is a fun element of this new mechanic. These ashes are located throughout the world, in chests, and as rewards for defeating certain bosses. This kind of turns Elden Ring into a summon collection game, as you expand your ever-growing catalogue of summonable creatures. Still, they can be quite tricky to find, so here are the Elden Ring Summons we've found so far.

How to use Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring

Once you get the Spirit Calling Bell, all you need to do is equip your ashes as a consumable to use them. These summons are only be temporary, and they will cost FP. They can also only be called in certain locations such as boss fights, dungeons, and marked areas filled with enemies.

If you plan to summon regularly, I especially recommend getting the Cerulean Hidden Tear for your Flask of Wondrous Physick, since it eliminates all FP costs for a brief period, effectively making your summon free and not dependent on your FP limit.

(Image credit: From Software)

The best Spirit Ashes to get early on

Warhawk Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a Stormhawk from Stormveil Castle.
  • Location: Solve the mystery of the "Homing Instinct" painting.

Noble Sorcerer Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a noble sorcerer who will cast spells at the enemy.
  • Location: Defeat the Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss in the Stormfoot Catacombs dungeons in West Limgrave. Head north-west from the Church of Elleh to find the door set into the cliff.

Elden Ring spirit ashes for Engval

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Banished Knight Engvall

  • What it does: Summons the polearm-wielding Banished Knight Engvall NPC.
  • Location: West Limgrave. A reward for defeating the Grave Warden Duelist in the Murkwater Catacombs.

Banished Knight Oleg 

  • What it does: Summons the dual blade-wielding Banished Knight Oleg NPC.
  • Location: West Limgrave. A reward for defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave dungeon in the Stranded Graveyard.

Lhutel the Headless

  • What it does: Summons the deathblight-wielding NPC Lhutel the Headless, who can also teleport.
  • Location: Weeping Peninsula. A reward for defeating the Cemetery Shade in the Tombsward Catacombs dungeon.

Skeletal Militiaman Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons two skeletal soldiers wielding spears.
  • Location: East Limgrave. Earned by defeating the Tibia Mariner at Summonwater Village.

Demi-Human Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a group of low-level demi-human companions.
  • Location: Reward for defeating the Erdtree Burial Watchdogs boss in the Impaler's Catacombs in Weeping Peninsula (south of Limgrave).

demi human ashes elden ring

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Elden Ring Spirit Ashes: Where to find them

Here are the summons we've found so far and how to get them:

Fanged Imp Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a pair of fast and evasive imps. 
  • Location: An Elden Ring keepsake you can choose at the start of the game.

Lone Wolf Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a pack of three fast-moving wolves.
  • Location: Given along with the Spirit Calling Bell by the witch Renna. 

Wandering Noble Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a swarm of five nobles as a meat shield.
  • Location: West Limgrave. In the Stormfoot Catacombs northwest of the Church of Elleh. Find them in the room up the ladder after the two flamethrower turrets.

Warhawk Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a Stormhawk from Stormveil Castle.
  • Location: Solve the mystery of the "Homing Instinct" painting.

Spirit Jellyfish 

  • What it does: Summons a floating Spirit Jellyfish called Aurelia.
  • Location: West Limgrave. You can get this by talking to Roderika in the ruined house by the Stormhill Shack site of grace. 

Banished Knight Oleg 

  • What it does: Summons the dual blade-wielding Banished Knight Oleg NPC.
  • Location: West Limgrave. A reward for defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave dungeon in the Stranded Graveyard.

Skeletal Militiaman Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons two skeletal soldiers wielding spears.
  • Location: East Limgrave. Earned by defeating the Tibia Mariner at Summonwater Village.

Noble Sorcerer Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a noble sorcerer who will cast spells at the enemy.
  • Location: Defeat the Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss in the Stormfoot Catacombs dungeons in West Limgrave. Head north-west from the Church of Elleh to find the door set into the cliff.

(Image credit: From Software)

Ancestral Follower Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a minotaur-like Ancestral Follower with a heavy bow.
  • Location: Siofra River. A reward for beating the Ancestor Spirit boss in the Hallowhorn Grounds.

Raya Lucaria Soldier Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a trio of soldiers who serve the academy.
  • Location: Found in a chest in the Road's End Catacombs dungeon in the southern end of West Liuria. Head south from the Revenger's Shack site of grace along the cliffside track filled with bats, to find the door set into the cliff.

Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a sorcerer from the Raya Lucaria Academy.
  • Location: Earned in the Road's End Catacombs dungeon in the southern end of West Liuria by beating the Spirit-Caller Snail boss.

Marionette Soldier Ashes 

  • What it does: Summons a pair of many-limbed automaton soldiers with bows.
  • Location: Once you've unlocked Raya Lucaria Academy with the Glintstone Key, you'll find them in the graveyard. Instead of crossing the rickety wooden bridge, go left around the graves and follow the path underneath, watching for the enemy on the right. Jump across the gap, and follow the path up to a small cave with two Marionette Soldiers inside. Claim the ashes from the body hanging over the ledge.

Albinauric Ashes

  • What it does: Summons two Albinauric spirits.
  • Location: Found in the graveyeard east of Caria Manor, accessible after beating Royal Knight Loretta.

Archer Ashes

  • What it does: Summons three archers that target enemies as a group.
  • Location: Found near a building in Nokstella, the Eternal City.

Avionette Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons two Avionette Soldiers to aid in battle.
  • Location: Found on a corpse soon after taking an elevator down in the Raya Lucaria Academy. 

Black Knife Tiche Ashes

  • What it does: Summons an echo of the Black Knife Tiche boss enemy.
  • Location: Reward drop for defeating Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader at the Ringleader's Evergaol in Liurnia.

Elden Ring spirit ashes for Therolina

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Finger Maiden puppet that throws holy pots and uses healing magic.
  • Location: Purchasable from Seluvis in Seluvis' Rise after completing Ranni's quest.

Giant Rat Ashes

  • What it does: Summons giant rants to come to your aid.
  • Location: Found in the West Windmill Pasture in northern Atlas Plateau. 

Godrick Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons two Godrick Soldiers spirits.
  • Location: Found in cemetery in west end of Stormhill.

Greatshield Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a phalanx of five shield soldiers.
  • Location: Found in a Nokron, Eternal City graveyard.

Jarwight Puppet Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a single Jarwight Puppet for aid.
  • Location: Purchased from Seluvis in Seluvis' Rise after completing Ranni's quest.

Kaiden Sellsword Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a single powerful Kaiden Sellsword spirit capable of blocking and attacking with a curved sword.
  • Location: Rewarded for defeating the Burial Watchdog boss in the Cliffbottom Catacombs in Liurnia.

Mad Pumpkin Head Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Mad Pumpkin spirit.
  • Location: Reward for defeating the double boss fight in the Minor Erdtree Catacombs in northwest Caelid.

Mimic Tear Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a copy of the player at the cost of HP.
  • Location: Found at the "Night's Sacred Ground" northeast of Nokron, Eternal City behind an imp door, unlocked by Stonesword Keys.

Nightmaiden and Swordstress Puppets Ashes

  • What it does: Summons two spirits, a Nightmaiden and Swordstress, for aid.
  • Location: Found in a chest behind an imp statue in Nokstella, Eternal City. Stonesword keys required to open imp statue wall.

Nomad Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Nomad spirit that fights enemies with the Flame of Frenzy incantation.
  • Location: Found on a corpse in the Buterranean Shunning-Grounds beneath the Royal Capital.

Omenkiller Rollo Ashes

  • What it does: Summons an Omenkiller Rollo spirit to fight with dual-wielding.
  • Location: Earned from the Fell Twins boss fight in the Capital Outskirts, east of Leyndell.

Page Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Page enemy spirit armed with a crossbow.
  • Location: Found in the Cliffbottom Catacombs in eastern Liurnia.

Skeletal Bandit Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of Skeletal Bandits with curved swords.
  • Location: Earned after defeating the Tibia Mariner Field boss in Liurna of the Lakes.

Stormhawk Deenh Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Stormhawk Deenh to battle.
  • Location: Found the Chapel of Anticipation, the starting area of the game, once you return to it. 

Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Twinsage Sorcerer.
  • Location: Earned after defeating the boss of the Black Knife Catacombs in northeastern Liurnia.

Winged Misbegotten Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Winged Misbegotten.
  • Location: Reward for completing the Unsightly Catacombs in the south of the Volcano region of the map (just beyond the mountain range north of Caria Manor).

Rotten Stray Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Rotten Stray dog.
  • Location: Found in the Selia Crystal Catacombs in Caelid.

Latenna The Albinauric Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Latenna The Albinauric, a stationary magic bow user.
  • Location: Found in the Slumbering Wolf's Shack after defeating the boss at the Lakeside Crystal Cave.

Perfumer Tricia Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Perfumer Tricia.
  • Location: Reward for beating Perfumer Tricia and Misbegotten Warrior bosses in the Unsightly Catacombs in the Mt. Gelmir region.

Elden Ring spirit ashes for Floh

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Bloodhound Knight Floh Ashes

  • What it does: Summons the spirit of a Bloodhound Knight Floh.
  • Location: Found at the Gelmir's Hero's Grave in the Mt. Gelmir region.

Vulgar Militia Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of Vulgar Milita spirits.
  • Location: Found at the Sainted Hero's Grave east of Leyndell near a basilisk.

Leyndell Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a pair of Leyndell soldier spirits.
  • Location: Found at the Sainted Hero's Grave in the Atlus Plateau.

Miranda Sprout Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a trio of Miranda Sprout spirit plants.
  • Location: Found behind an illusory wall in the Caelid Catacombs.

Kindred of Rot Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Kindred of Rot spirit.
  • Location: Found Caelid Catacombs near the south border of Caelid.

Land Squirt Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a triot of Land Squirt spirits that spew noxious gas.
  • Location: Found at a grave near several groups of Land Squirts in eastern Liurnia Lake.

Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff.
  • Location: Reward for beating the Sainted Hero's Grave location in Atlus Plateau.

Azula Beastmen Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a pair of Azula Beastmen spirits.
  • Location: Found on a corpse near the Dragon Temple site of grace in the Crumbling Farum Azula area.

Battlemage Hughes Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Battlemage Hughes spirit.
  • Location: Reward for defeating the boss in the Sellia Everoal in central Caelid.

Blackflame Monk Amon Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Blackflame Monk Amon spirit with a high FP cost.
  • Location: Reward for defeating the Stray Mimic Tear boss near the Haligtree dungeon in the Forbidden Lands.

Clayman Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Clayman spirit.
  • Location: Found in the Ainsel River area in Liurnia Lake (can be encountered by doing Ranni's quest).

Elden Ring spirit ashes for Finlay

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Cleanrot Knight Finlay Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of Cleanrot Knight Finlay.
  • Location: Found in a chest protected by a knight in the Elphael Brace of the Haligree legacy dungeon.

Crystalian Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Crystalian spirit to aid in battle.
  • Location: Found behind an illusory wall in eastern-central Caelid.

Depraved Perfumer Carmaan Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of Depraved Perfumer Carmaan.
  • Location: Found in the Volcano Manor in Mt. Gelmir.

Dolores The Sleeping Arrow Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of Dolores The Sleeping Arrow.
  • Location: Found in the second-floor church of the Caria Manor, accessible by dropping onto the roof from the cliffs near Renna's Rise. Won't appear until after you've met the NPC in this room and time has passed.

Dung Eater Puppet Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of the Dung Eater.
  • Location: Reward for completing the Dung Eater's quest.

Haligtree Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of Haligtree Soldier Spirits.
  • Location: Found in the Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree legacy dungeon.

Man Serpent Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a spirit of a Man Serpent.
  • Location: Found in the Volcano Manor.

Mausoleum Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of Mausoleum Soldier spirits.
  • Location: Found at the base of a tree in the Deeproot Depths.

Oracle Envoy Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of four Oracle Envoy spirits.
  • Location: Found near Miquella's Haligtree.

Putrid Corpse Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a group of Putrid Corpses spirits.
  • Location: Reward for defeating the Gaol Cave boss in northwest Caelid.

Radahn Soldier Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a Radahn Soldier spirit.
  • Location: Obtainable in eastern Caelid after defeating Radahn.

Elden Ring spirit ashes for Soldjars

(Image credit: FromSoftware)

Soldjars of Fortune Ashes

  • What it does: Summons a band of Soldjars of Fortune spirits.
  • Location: Found in Atlus Plateau near Leyndel.
Sarah James
Senior Guides Writer

Sarah started as a freelance writer in 2018, writing for PCGamesN, TechRadar, GamingBible, Red Bull Gaming and more. In 2021, she was offered a full-time position on the PC Gamer team where she takes every possible opportunity to talk about World of Warcraft and Elden Ring. When not writing guides, most of her spare time is spent in Azeroth—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.

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