All content archive
October 2011
373 articles
- October 31
- Opinion: Trouble in “always on” paradise
- MechWarrior Online developers share details, explain how MWO evolves the series
- Sword of the Stars II launches half-baked, developers apologize
- Exclusive Interview: Piranha's Bullock talks about the rocky road to rebooting MechWarrior
- WildStar opens beta sign-ups to aspiring players, bunny people
- Meet MechWarrior Online, Piranha's free-to-play tactical Mech sim
- New MechWarrior game a PC-exclusive
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta delayed
- The Binding of Isaac gets free Halloween update, is now 20% more evil
- Kinect for Windows to go commercial
- Ken Levine: scripting Elizabeth "is the most complicated thing" in Bioshock Infinite
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim trailer shows fire nymphs, automaton and epic mountain castles
- Planetside 2 character classes detailed, levelling system "similar to Eve Online"
- Star Wars: The Old Republic trailer battles for control of apocalyptic doom ship
- Rainbow 6 Patriots domain names registered by Ubisoft
- Battlefield 3 fixes: "connection to server has timed out," crashes, disconnections and more
- October 30
- October 29
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 preview
- Gabe Newell on his Dota 2 obsession, Half-Life protests and EA's Origin
- Tribes: Ascend beta key giveaway winners
- Battle Chicken: What's his story? [Updated!]
- Halloween descends upon your favorite MMOs: spooky stuff you can play this weekend
- Take on Helicopters lifts-off today
- October 28
- Let the scheming begin:Valve releases first screenshots of Portal 2 puzzle creator
- Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter released
- Public Service Announcement: free-to-play Bloodline Champions now on Steam
- PC Gamer US Podcast #292: Prattlefield 3
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Blizzard dev on Blizzard DOTA: "We felt like we really needed to simplify things"
- Public Service Announcement: cauldrons and seal masks appearing in TF2 backpacks
- Football Manager 2012 review
- Todd Howard on Skyrim's toughest monsters: "the more of the main quest you do, the more dragons you'll run into"
- Magicka: The Stars are Left expansion incoming, "we make fun of Minecraft this time" say devs
- Bioshock Infinite trailer talks storytelling and character in the floating city of Columbia
- Saints Row 3 trailer shows novel way of destroying roadblocks
- Team Fortress 2 Halloween Update pits players against Demoman's giant evil eyeball
- EA’s Origin to sell third-party titles like Batman: Arkham City and Saints Row: The Third
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 trailer talks guns, weapons have own experience bars and unlocks
- TERA gets into the spirit of Halloween with new trailer
- October 27
- Indie strategy designer Vic Davis talks about new game, Occult Chronicles
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Introversion's Chris Delay on shifting from Subversion to Prison Architect: "I wanted to build Alcatraz"
- Take on Helicopters launch trailer takes off
- Gemini Rue woos Steam
- Fallout MMO legal wrangles fall in favour of Interplay - for now
- Howard’s End: Skyrim game director catches man in bedroom with in-game wife
- All hands on desk! PCG plays the best Star Trek game you've never heard of: Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
- Panda-ing to the hardcore: Blizzard’s Greg Street on Mists of Pandaria’s difficulty levels
- Battlelog is a bit mad, isn't it?
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria trailers show new dungeons
- Star Wars: The Old Republic screenshots blast starships, levitate goons, face off with Grand Moff
- Planetside 2 dev: Modern Warfare and Battlefield are "like Checkers where we're sort of like Risk"
- Minecraft trailer competition could bring your character skin to Minecon
- October 26
- Why Blizzard invited the world's best StarCraft: Brood War players to Blizzcon 2011
- Indie Royale offering majestic indie game deals
- The 34 Best Webcomics for Geeks
- PC Gamer Digital Episode 5 now available!
- Exclusive Core Blaze interview reveals MMO platforming and secret boss encounters
- Wine for gamers, suggested pairings: pizza rolls, Hot Pockets
- Why I play Football Manager: the story of Shane "the wonder kid" Paul
- And in other PC gaming news...
- League of Legends Series Two Circuit trailer goes live, $5 million at stake
- Todd Howard on the lessons Skyrim has learned from Fallout 3
- Planetside 2 battles to be set on "eight-by-eight kilometre continents"
- Batman: Arkham City Nightwing trailer zaps crooks with electro sticks
- PC Gamer UK December issue - Planetside 2
- Battlefield 3’s Patrick Bach: “biggest benefit for the console has been that we’re leading on PC”
- Space Marine co-op mode arrives, in the grim darkness of the future there is only "waaagh!"
- Toshiba launches USB powered monitor
- The Gadget Show’s Battlefield 3 Holodeck: behind the scenes
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim system requirements released, render giant spiders on 2GB RAM
- New XIII is a puzzle-based "interactive adventure"
- WIN one of 100 Tribes: Ascend closed beta keys!
- IGF announces 2012 main competition entrants, explodes with indie goodness
- October 25
- RUSE developer Eugen explains upcoming Wargame: European Escalation
- Buy new Samsung SSD, get Batman: Arkham City for free
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Gabe Newell on piracy and Steam's success in Russia
- Happy birthday, Windows XP
- Stronghold 3 trailer celebrates launch by building a fortress and burning peasants
- Kingdoms of Amalur video talks story, impales Elvis with lamp
- Batman: Arkham City sells 4.6 million in one week on consoles, are you holding out for Arkham City PC?
- New Nvidia drivers boost Battlefield 3 performance by "up to 11%"
- Battlefield 3 screenshots celebrate US launch
- Grand Theft Auto V trailer incoming, also GTA V is a thing now
- Scrolls free-to-play "aspects" detailed, Mojang assuage pay-to-win fears
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria video shows pandas pandering in Pandaria
- Hyrule: Total War mod brings Zelda to the battlefield, looks incredible
- Notch skeptical of free-to-play, says it's loved by devs - not players
- EA: There's "scope" for a strategic Syndicate remake, "loads of potential" on PC
- October 24
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter launches on Steam with a live-action trailer (of sorts)
- CCP chief on layoffs, mistakes: "We had the mindset that we could achieve anything."
- Hands-on with Natasha, Rusty Hearts' new markswoman
- Have your say: What do you think of World of Warcraft's new expansion?
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Team Fortress 2 free-to-play shift increased player base "by a factor of five" says Newell
- Battlefield 3 trailer mixes live action with in-game footage
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim trailer goes live action, fights dragon
- Battlefield 3 first impressions
- Medal of Honor 2 teased in Battlefield 3 boxed copies
- Watch the sensational Blizzcon 2011 StarCraft 2 Grand Final
- Team Fortress 2 Halloween update incoming, modders launch Night of the Living Update
- Valve and Xsolla add Steam Wallet support to Russian cash kiosks
- Pre-order Sonic Generations, get other Sonic games for free
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition has Sith lord statue, costs $149.99
- October 23
- Get your PC ready for Battlefield 3
- Late to the Party - We play the classic games we missed first time around
- This week's winners
- StarCraft 2 mod tool updates to let players create custom models, UI and cutscenes
- Blizzard DOTA screenshots introduce Thrall, Arthas and Diablo 3's Witch Doctor
- StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm trailer begins Kerrigan's quest for revenge
- Diablo 3: twenty screenshots from Blizzcon 2011
- October 22
- Blizzard DOTA to be free with StarCraft 2 Starter Edition, mounts and boss monsters added
- Blizzard Arcade to arrive with StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 trailer celebrates distant launch
- Blizzcon 2011: day one round-up
- Diablo 3 gets team deathmatch, achievements and battle standards
- Diablo 3: 70% of items appear beyond normal difficulty
- Diablo 3 has "something like 2.8 trillion builds"
- StarCraft 2 tournaments will move over to Heart of the Swarm "when the community decides".
- Challenge Dungeons and PVE Scenarios: How Blizzard is revamping WoW's instanced content
- Blizzard: "Months, certainly not years" until Heart of the Swarm beta
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria's Pandarens are playable. Also, they're pandas.
- Valve announces second Portal 2 DLC, officially confirms level editor
- Blizzard demonstrates HoS campaign evolution system, says story choices carry over
- October 21
- Prepare for PvP in WoW's upcoming battlegrounds
- Pokémon coming to WoW with companion pet battles
- Diablo 3 trailer unveils new demonic villain
- Kung fu fighting (fast as lightning) with the new Monk class in WoW: Mists of Pandaria
- First glimpse at Blizzard DOTA; may be entirely free-to-play via SC2 Starter Edition [Updated]
- New details revealed for Mists of Pandaria and Blizzard's plans for the future
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria trailer shows new lands and Pandaren race
- PC Gamer US Podcast #291: A TORrent of Star Wars news
- Official list of unit changes in Starcraft II's Heart of the Swarm expansion
- World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria announced. Adds new playable race, new class, new zones, level cap raised to 90
- World of Warcraft Annual Pass announced, subscribers get Diablo 3 free
- How to tell a true virtual war story
- Batman: Arkham City system requirements revealed, new PC screenshots out
- StarCraft 2: new Zerg, Terran and Protoss units spotted at Blizzcon
- Inversion trailer reliart noisrevnI
- Sword of the Stars 2 screenshots show glorious space war
- PC cleans up at the Golden Joystick Awards
- Dead Island patch boosts level cap, nerfs zombies, adds new weapon mod blueprints
- Welcome to the Golden Joysticks. Will PC dominate?
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 trailer reveals revamped kill streak system, IW talk PC features
- Aion - Arena of Chaos Guide
- Blizzcon 2011 kicks off today, here's what to expect
- Rumour: Doom 4 'indefinitely postponed'
- Mass Effect 3 demo coming for January
- Interview: EVE Online's Kristoffer Touborg
- October 20
- Skill, abstraction, and the complications of mainstreaming
- Composite images tease new MechWarrior reboot; robo-battle enthusiasts rejoice
- Cities XL 2012 trailer shows stunning natural beauty replaced with dense urban planning
- PC Gamer UK Podcast 61 - Planetside 2, Rage, Battlefield 3 and Project Zomboid
- Introversion's new game is Prison Architect
- Dawn of War 2 Last Stand Tau Commander abilities detailed, new chapter DLC incoming
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim screenshots have magic battle axes, magic bows, furious Orcs
- Firefall trailer shows Dreadnaught armour, Dread Fields and heavy weapons
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive video shows hour long contest from the Intel Extreme Masters
- PCG PSA: Aion 2.7 patch officially live
- Valve working on Portal 2 level editor, GLaDOS possibly coming along for the ride
- Fan-made MMO StarCraft Universe playable through October 30
- October 19
- Interview: Blizzard's Chris Metzen, Pt. 2
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Layoffs at "overstretched" CCP, World of Darkness team worst hit
- Assassin's Creed Revelations trailer leads a dance of death
- Team Fortress 2: the best of the Steam Workshop
- Battlefield 3 trailer shows multiplayer maps, massive base jump, aircraft carrier
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 screenshots blow up the Eiffel tower
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 release date announced, shoot men from far away in March
- EA on Origin: "over five million people are using it on a daily basis"
- Batman: Arkham City trailer shows PC PhysX features and sexy tessellation
- Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm expansion announced
- EA asks for reviewers gaming history pre-Battlefield reviews, calls it "a mistake"
- October 18
- PC Gamer Digital Episode 4 now available!
- Details emerge for new EverQuest expansion
- Interview: Blizzard's Chris Metzen, Pt. 1
- "Hostile" Rage interview revisited
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Get a free issue of PC Gamer UK via the iOS Newsstand
- Hard drives are six times bigger with seasoning
- Batman: Arkham City PC release date set for November 18, new screenshots swoop in
- Battlefield 3 played in a virtual reality dome
- Card Hunter, from developers of BioShock, Captain Forever and Magic: The Gathering
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim preview
- Saints Row: The Third trailer takes on Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link DLC is out now
- Syndicate trailer pits old future against new
- Mojang wins interim injunction for Scrolls trademark
- New XIII game teased for November release
- Valve on Source 2: "We just update Source - not replace it"
- October 17
- Early impressions of Memoir '44 Online
- Sledgehammer's Glen Schofield has heard quite enough whining about the Call of Duty engine
- Kim Swift on leaving Valve and building the upcoming Quantum Conundrum
- Have your say: what do you want from Battlefield 3's single player campaign?
- Introversion submitting new game to IGF, Subversion on hold
- Battlefield 3 multiplayer maps revealed
- Special Report - Project Zomboid
- NVIDIA improves depth perception with 3D Vision 2
- Own a slice of Azeroth: Blizzard selling World of Warcraft server blades for charity
- Dawn of War 2 Last Stand Tau Commander DLC to add Crisis Battlesuits and huge lasers
- Project Zomboid robbery delays latest update, Zomboid "will come back stronger" says dev
- Prototype 2 trailer braves the Red Zone
- October 16
- October 15
- October 14
- EU giveaway: Win a Deus Ex: Human Revolution collector's edition!
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link review
- Golden Joysticks 2011 voting extended, vote now or forever hold your peace
- THQ "not sure if there's room" for Space Marine sequel
- Batman: Arkham City trailer gets villainous, something Strange in the neighbourhood
- Gratuitous Tank Battles trailer battles tanks gratuitously
- Team Fortress 2 Manniversary update adds Steam Workshop, new hats, new map, item trials
- League of Legends adds Malcom Graves, gunslinger extraordinaire
- Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge tramples over delay, out now on Steam
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link DLC release date and price revealed
- October 13
- Aion Patch 2.7 Arena Combat Guide
- Exclusive: Hegemony developers reveal Rise of Caesar details
- The Secret World exclusive trailer: conspire with the Illuminati, Templar, or Dragon societies
- Aion's 48 man raid - Padmarashka's Cave Guide
- Channel 4 launches Murderball, the Wheelchair Rugby webgame
- Firefall's Mark Kern: "There are horrible ways to implement free to play"
- Syndicate trailer shows off homicidal partner and brain hack
- Bioshock Infinite's Elizabeth shaped by Ken Levine's experiences
- Mass Effect 3 trailer talks new multiplayer mode
- City of Heroes players to assemble at real-life Summit
- Square Enix show off stunningly realistic graphics
- Mass Effect 3 contains twice as much dialogue as the first game
- Amy will infect you with the zombie plague
- Shadowrun Online announced. High Council of Elders aiding development
- Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle makes over $1 million
- Mass Effect 3 multiplayer screenshots reveal playable Salarians
- October 12
- Valve's Newell: It's "ominous" that open platforms are less popular, Apple "wrong" philosophically
- BioWare Mythic: WAR not in any danger from SWTOR, but not going F2P
- And in other PC gaming news...
- PC Gamer magazine is now an iOS app. Get it right now
- Mass Effect 3 multiplayer explained
- Jonah Lomu Rugby Challenge released in UK and US on October 21 to satisfy your desire to chase eggs
- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record launch trailer gets Frank back in the game
- Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin launch trailer throws knives in your face
- Valve writers talk silent protagonists and bringing the LOLs
- Battlefield 3 trailer makes the world come crashing down around us
- AMD's 8 core Bulldozer FX chips review round up
- PC Gamer Digital Episode 3 is here - now available worldwide!
- October 11
- Blizzard talks user-created content in WoW, writing for Titan
- Indie deathbed adventure To the Moon gets new trailer, release date
- Fallen Earth going F2P, developers explain details
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Batman: Arkham City Robin and Nightwing DLC detailed
- Leisure Suit Larry to return with HD remake and new adventures
- How Blizzard's Guardian Cub pet could change World of Warcraft's economy forever
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link trailer sails the augmented seas
- Prototype 2 trailer features slow-mo limb severing
- Machinarium dev's latest looks adorable, green-friendly
- Correction: Firefall beta keys WILL NOT be free in the next issue of PC Gamer UK
- Mass Effect 3 multiplayer details revealed
- October 10
- Metro 2033, many more go ultra-cheap in Steam's THQ week
- And in other PC gaming news...
- StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Zerg unit teased
- Minecraft footage shows dragon, mysterious spires, starless skies
- Vindictus has launched! Officially!
- Media regulator investigating ITV Arma 2 blunder
- MDK2 HD trailer has six legged dog smoking cigar, threatens Canada
- More Damn Kharacters - Overhaul Games' Trent Oster on putting the HD into MDK2 HD
- Xenonauts dev's Paypal account "locked down and closed" for 180 days
- Hitman: Absolution trailer dives in through window, straightens tie
- Dungeon Defenders gets TF2 cameos and the Portal gun... if you pre-order
- Rage patch arrives, graphics driver issues "a real cluster !@#$" says Carmack
- Stalker 2 could use online only DRM
- Tribes: Ascend closed beta kicks off November 4. Pre-order and get a "VIP Starter Kit"
- Mass Effect 3 multiplayer confirmed
- October 9
- October 8
- Garbage Truck Simulator 2011 review
- Arma X: Anniversary Edition review
- Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising review
- Carmack pissed about RAGE issues, but admits id doesn't see PC as "leading" game platform
- New Modern Warfare 3 single-player trailer sees the sights, blows them up
- DICE on Mirror's Edge 2: "There's definitely a market" for it
- October 7
- PC Gamer US December issue: Hands-on with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- PC Gamer US Podcast #290: Rage Against My Machine
- Red Orchestra 2 updated and reset, Tripwire explains what's happening
- Win free admission to Nvidia's GeForce LAN 6 - on a freakin' aircraft carrier [US only]
- Opinion: Ubisoft, piracy, and the death of reason
- Battlefield 3 beta fixes detailed. Full release to get optimised netcode and improved squads
- Torchlight 2 preview
- Battlefield 3 screenshots show jets in single player and spectacular night shots
- Cornwall gets 4G first in the UK
- Dota 2's replay tools detailed. Commentaries, recommendations and player cams incoming
- Lord of the Rings: War in the North trailer battles the Barrow Wight Lord
- PES 2012 update to tweak team rosters and player stats
- Assassin's Creed Revelations trailer crafts bombs in Constantinople
- Space Marine DLC release date announced, Exterminatus arriving October 25
- Notch adding epic DRAGONS to Minecraft
- Battlefield 3: 64 player Caspian Border map open to PC players
- Trion: Rift is "most significant competitor" WoW's ever had, excited to see SWTOR
- Bethesda: "Nobody here enjoys" being forced into Scrolls lawsuit
- EA on Battlefield 3 on Steam rumor: "Really nothing to report"
- October 6
- Words of cynical game development wisdom
- This week's winners
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Max Payne 3 screenshots dive in, kicking crooks and starting fires
- Football Manager 2012 demo out now
- SOE talks player power in EVE and Planetside 2: "It’s impossible to be everything to everyone"
- Minecraft 1.9 pre-release version 3 released, adds babies
- Red Dead Redemption "absent from our release plans" say Rockstar
- Lucasarts adventure game background art compilation triggers mass nostalgia
- Neverwinter will now be a free-to-play MMO
- League of Legends gets a new hero, Xerath: The Magus Ascendant
- Dustforce trailer introduces beautiful dust-busting indie platformer
- Rage hidden room contains Wolfenstein 3D easter egg
- Batman: Arkham City trailer shows Robin in action
- CCP CEO apologizes to EVE Online players, admits to losing sight of "simple things"
- Duke Nukem Forever DLC finally launching next week
- October 5
- Supergiant's Greg Kasavin explains the process behind Bastion's narration
- PC Gamer Digital Episode 2 now available!
- SpaceChem joins the Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle
- If Sony's "Michael" ad was about a PC gamer
- How To Build Your Own IR Head Tracker
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Todd Howard on chickens reporting crimes in Skyrim
- Firefall's Mark Kern talks MMO evolution and the "Circle of Suck"
- Anno 2070 trailer is gorgeous, features WAR
- Proun pirated by 40% of players. Pay What You Want model "did pretty badly," says creator
- Team Fortress 2 video montage shows August's top ten kills
- Test out text adventures for IFComp 2011
- Battlefield 3 PC will get squad features say DICE
- Fifa 12 sells 3.2 million in one week
- Dragon Age: Redemption trailer teases upcoming web series
- Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm multiplayer unit teased
- Rage technical problems blamed on drivers, updates incoming
- Batman: Arkham City rogues gallery grows, Mad Hatter and Poison Ivy spotted, also Nightwing
- UK developer survey: 42 percent believe PC gaming's in "regression"
- Unreal Engine 3 "going everywhere" with Flash
- IO: Hitman as coldly professional or casually violent as you want him to be
- October 4
- Renegade X looking like a great Command and Conquer shooter
- Assassin's Creed Revelations trailer puts Ezio on Altair's trail
- Battlefield 3 beta has 12 million players, is based on month old build
- X Rebirth details revealed: land on capital ships, boss around NPCs and fly sneaky drones
- League of Legends Xerath patch detailed in new trailer
- Rage PC players experiencing laggy textures and low framerates
- Orcs must die! demo hits Steam!
- Payday: The Heist slightly delayed, trailer steals a man from a bridge
- Rage review
- Dragon Age 2: Mark of the Assassin screenshots show Conquistador riding Wyvern
- Rage: the first ten minutes
- EA: Steam vs Origin not a "proper battle," there's space for both
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier confirmed for March 2012 release date
- October 3
- 2D Boy's Carmel explains indie exodus from XBLA
- BioWare autonomous, but more commercially conscious, say Muzyka and Zeschuk
- Opinion: The sad state of beta testing
- And in other PC gaming news...
- Diablo 3 item database details weapons and armour, Inferno difficulty tier teased
- Hearts of Iron: The Card Game now in open beta. "Panzer Repair Shop" card up for grabs
- Notch lists his "nerdy games" for "real gamers." Tell us yours and win something nerdy
- Mass Effect 3 online pass hints at multiplayer mode
- Darkness 2 trailer's evil arms harm armed goons
- Battlefield 3 beta bans could suspend Origin accounts
- Explore 30,000 parsecs of Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Help NASA explore Mars with Mapper. Poke around secret lakes and earn achievements
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 trailer tries to survive Paris
- Aliens: Colonial Marines trailer shows 11 minutes of in-game footage, fights Alien queen
- Portal 2 DLC out Wednesday, adds new co-op missions, challenge mode and leaderboards
- October 2
- October 1