An indie collective released 48 games in one day on Steam

These are them. The developers, not the games. (Image credit: Sokpop Collective)

Remember Sokpop Collective, those wacky indies who make multiple small games a month? Well, they’ve just released their entire back catalog on Steam. That’s 48 new games in a single day. That’s not actually very impressive, because all the games were already finished. What is actually very impressive is that the games are full-featured: Achievements, trailers, etc. The games are available as Season bundles at 25% off, individually for $3 each, or in one gigantic bundle for 40% off. 

If you’re looking for somewhere to start, I’d recommend somewhat-meta God Game Simmiland or train tycoon Soko Loko. You can check out the official spiel on Sokpop at their website, or go check out their now rather extensive Steam developer page. 


Jon Bolding is a games writer and critic with an extensive background in strategy games. When he's not on his PC, he can be found playing every tabletop game under the sun.