Agony to bring its hell-bound horror in 2017

Since its announcement in May, one thing that’s really impressed me about Madmind’s upcoming hell-set horror game Agony is its scope to unsettle. Its trailers are purposefully shocking, depicting all sorts of grotesque abominations, yet it’s a shock value that stays with you—one I haven’t felt so convinced by from a horror game pre-release since the second Silent Hill.    

The latest extended trailer, which I wouldn’t recommend watching if you have a nervous disposition, returns to its graphic interpretation of hell and is filled with impaled corpses, seemingly catatonic condemned humans, eye gouging, and several shots of that terrifying satanic Red Goddess.

Last week, you might’ve spotted Andy talking about Agony’s latest eight minute-long gameplay trailer. Again, viewer discretion is advised, and while that footage is without context or story, the world that Madmind has crafted is one I’m really looking forward to exploring. 

With Agony now due at some point before the end of June next year, I think I’ve got just about enough time to muster up the courage to do so. More information can be found on Agony's official site

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show