40 Awesome 3D Wallpapers

Bold 3D wallpapers are a growing trend that we happen to think look extremely cool. They often are beautifully rendered, have interesting subject matter, and feel like you can reach out and touch them. Whether you're looking for some additions to spice up your collection or needing some new desktop adornments, we've rounded up 40 of the best 3D wallpapers we could find, with some fun geeky surprises here and there.
Warning: Before you continue willy-nilly downloading wallpapers, do understand that we can't be held accountable for any third-party links you download. Many of these websites may be plagued with adware. We suggest you read our how-to-download-without-installing-adware article in case you plan on downloading from third-party sites.
Android Logo
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If you're an Android fan, this logo wallpaper should strike your fancy, with popping greens and matching font.

Glass Apples
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These colorful glass apples are whimsical and alluring, and almost make you thirsty for some fruit juice. Kind of ironic that you're going to use this wallpaper on a PC. This is a DeviantArt user's second attempt at the photo, with the original available and viewable here.

Companion Cube
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Your greatest friend in Portal is, of course, the Companion Cube. You can trust it. We promise.

Reddit Alien
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Toss out an upvote to this familiar alien. Any Redditors in the house?

Audio System
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It's probably not often you go for a brand-free sound system, but this slick piece of fictional tech looks clean enough to eat off of.

Super Mario Bros.
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It's interesting how much a shift in perspective can do for a classic spread. This Mario scene looks fantastic as a 3D wallpaper.

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Looking for a new wallpaper? Why not Zoidberg? Let the Futurama favorite peer out at you every time you use the computer.

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This narrow hallway seems to be overpopulated with some sinister-looking spheres. Does it make you a little claustrophobic?

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It looks like a dangerous disaster, but thankfully, no one was hurt to bring this bizarre wallpaper to life.

Colorful 3D Bars
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These colorful bars look like they could be popping out from some sort of epicenter on your screen, and while you may want to touch them, you certainly cannot.

Rubik's Cube
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You may not be able to entertain yourself by solving this puzzle, but it looks close enough to touch.

TARDIS Innards, Tenth Doctor
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This pre–Matt Smith TARDIS tribute is as close as you'll probably get to seeing the real thing.

Minecraft Guy
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Your Minecraft character getting a little rest and relaxation when you're not playing.

Computer Guy
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After a full day of browsing, be careful that you don't end up like this guy. That might be a bit hard to explain to your boss.

Pink Rabbit Tornado
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This trippy wallpaper features a vortex of tiny pink rabbits. We're not sure about you, but that's one storm we could handle.

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You can never break the chains that bind us all together as a technology-loving family! No? OK.

Terminator Heads
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Skynet was here.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Here's a wallpaper TMNT fans can dig.

Alien vs. Predator
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Though there's only one representative from each species here, it's still an epic matchup.

Fallout 3
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This iconic Fallout 3 image is nicely rendered here in wallpaper format.

Minecraft Map
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This is a finely rendered Minecraft map, albeit much, much smaller.

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You may want to stay out of the way of this dangerous-looking turret. Next thing you know, missiles will be flying from your monitor.

Thor vs. Alien
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It doesn't appear that either party is of a licensed ilk, but you can't argue this battle would certainly have an interesting climax.

Exploding Cube
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We've heard that this is what happens when you push a Rubik's cube to the limit.

Falling Glass
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Ah, a falling glass without all the annoying post-drop cleanup. Just what we like to see.

Deceased Big Daddy
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This Big Daddy may no longer be alive and fearsome, but he can come to live on your desktop with this poignant scene. Save your tears. You can always just go play the game again.

Rainbow Spheres
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These colorful rainbow spheres make an excellent addition to your wallpaper collection. They might inspire you to start using a little more color in your life, too.

Colorful Tubes
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These small, colorful tubes look as though you could reach out and grab what's inside. It's almost as if time has frozen within.

Paper Rolls
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Festive, colorful paper rolls look as though they're rolling up after you've just attacked them with scissors. You almost want to reach out and flatten it, don't you?

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This surreal bit of landscaping is impressive, especially given its ability to make you feel as though you could touch it.

3D Sphere
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This metal ball resting on an impeccably detailed wood floor looks like the perfect plaything. Just don't scratch the flooring.

Obsidian Sphere
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It may look innocent, but if you stare into this deep sphere of ebony, you might actually peer straight into the darkness. True story.

Striking Heart
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Even though this isn't an anatomically correct heart, look how pretty it is.

Volume Dial
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Turn the volume up on this realistic-looking dial wallpaper. Does it go all the way to 11?

Designer's Room
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This designer's room chock-full of geeky equipment looks real enough, but be thankful you didn't have to spend all that money to get it.

Waving Robot
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This little guy makes us happy.

Shiny Planets
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Of course, this isn't really how the planets are arranged. It sure does make for an interesting wallpaper, though.

Spider Robot
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This is what nightmares are made of, but it's still a pretty cool robot.