Tom "Gunpoint" Francis leaves PC Gamer to become full-time indie developer

As you may have heard, veteran PC Gamer writer Tom Francis has made a game, called Gunpoint . In fact, you can see Chris and Tom playing through a few levels in the Gunpoint commentary video we put up earlier. The game launched less than ten days ago, and has done really rather well, so Tom has decided to leave PC Gamer and pursue a career as an indie developer full-time!

We wish him all the best, and it's not the end. Tom will still be writing for us occasionally on a freelance basis. In the meantime we thought you might enjoy a few fine examples of the pieces Tom has penned in the last nine years at Gamer. We will still love him, of course, as long as he lets us come to Miami to have a go on his titanium jet ski.

You can find the rest of Tom's writing for the site here . Oh, and you should really check the Gunpoint site to see what Tom's been working on for the last three years. We won't be reviewing it , for obvious reasons, but it's super neat, and there's a demo .


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