New Bordeaux, bank robbing and bad guy blasting in Mafia 3’s Gamescom trailer

Grandiose live-action trailers and minutiae-dwelling character spotlight vignettes are all well and good, but there’s something to be said about Mafia 3’s thrilling blockbuster shorts that showcase wrongdoing and revenge in spades. 

The latest trailer befalls this week’s Gamescom in Cologne and follows the latter path. Instead of listening to me wax lyrical about it, though, why not simply check it out for yourself?

The more I see of Mafia 3, the further I fall in love with its faux New Orleans setting, its late 60s clothes and decor and cars, and its power mad cast of bandits, gang bangers and bureaucrats. 

In his hands-on preview earlier this year, Dave Houghton described Mafia 3 as “tremendously organic and rewarding.” We’ll find out for ourselves on October 7. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show