Sign Up to Transformers Universe now to get a free Autobot and exclusive PC Gamer warrior re-spray

The time is now. It is the age when the Autobot and Decepticon war comes to browsers across the globe. To celebrate the summer launch of Transformers Universe—the new free-to-play robo-battler—we've teamed up with Jagex to offer PC Gamer readers a special offer ahead of the worldwide roll-out.

Sign up to Transformers Universe and, upon the game's release, you'll be awarded a free playable warrior PLUS an exclusive, not-available-anywhere-else PC Gamer warrior re-spray.

You can sign up using this link:

To take advantage of this limited-time offer, players need to sign up before Monday 19th May 2014. Get a sneak peak of the action in the latest trailer below.


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