Zeno Clash 2 announced! First-person brawler sequel features co-op, out next year

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Publisher Atlus has sent ACE Team's Zeno Clash 2 crashing through a window and into the wild in a sneaky pre-E3 announcement.

The stand-out new feature is full drop-in drop-out co-op for the campaign, which sees Ghat and his sister Rimat freeing Father-Mother from prison. Just like the original, it's looking uncannily, brilliantly bonkers. Giant stone hands! Weird bipedal bird lizard things!

The first-person melee combat mechanics pioneered by the first game have been refined, and there'll be new RPG features to allow you to customise how Ghat and Rimat go about punching freaky pig-men in the face. We've got the announcement screens below, including one that appears to show Ghat fighting a giant smiling blue man with a pirate beard. Wait no, that's exactly what it shows.

Zeno Clash 2 is due out in early 2013. Are you excited to return to Zenozoik, readers?

Chris Thursten

Joining in 2011, Chris made his start with PC Gamer turning beautiful trees into magazines, first as a writer and later as deputy editor. Once PCG's reluctant MMO champion , his discovery of Dota 2 in 2012 led him to much darker, stranger places. In 2015, Chris became the editor of PC Gamer Pro, overseeing our online coverage of competitive gaming and esports. He left in 2017, and can be now found making games and recording the Crate & Crowbar podcast.