To the Moon successor Finding Paradise has a Steam page, original game has 85 percent discount

Back in January, Freebird Games unveiled its To the Moon successor Finding Paradise—a similarly retro-styled adventure again starring Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts and A Bird Story's now fully-grown protagonist Colin. In August, Andy caught up with studio lead Kan Gao who noted "summer 2017" as Finding Paradise's due date, and it's now crept onto Steam sporting the same ETA. 

A coinciding sale has launched to mark the occasion—which sees To the Moon discounted 85 percent on sale for just £1.04/$1.49. The To the Moon 5-Year Anniversary Bundle is also going cheap with a 71 percent discount at £4.83/$6.83 and includes To the Moon, a To the Moon comic, A Bird's Story, and both games' soundtracks. 

I absolutely adored To the Moon's tear-jerking tale of love and loss and relationships when I first played it back in 2011—don't be fooled by its simple veneer, a deep and engaging game lies beneath and is a total steal for just over a quid.  

As for Finding Paradise, here's the most recent teaser trailer: 

And a synopsis as per its Steam page blurb: 

"Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts have peculiar jobs: They give people another chance to live, all the way from the very beginning... but only in their patients' heads. 

"Due to the severity of the operation, the new life becomes the last thing the patients remember before drawing their last breath. Thus, the operation is only done to people on their deathbeds, to fulfill what they wish they had done with their lives, but didn’t. 

"Finding Paradise is the 2nd full episode of To the Moon's series. It follows the life of the doctors' new patient, Colin, as they attempt to unravel a life that is split down the middle, and fulfill a wish that appears to be self-contradictory by nature."

Finding Paradise is due summer 2017, whereas the To the Moon five year anniversary sale ends tomorrow. 

Deputy Editor, PC Gaming Show