PC Gamer UK August issue - Cataclysm

The newest and most cataclysmic issue of PC Gamer UK has just burst from our printing press, and it'll soon be sundering the very land itself, wracking your supermarkets with gaping geothermal fissures. As you rapidly burst into flames in the magazine aisle, you may only have time to read three things.

You should start with Tim's six-page World of Warcraft: Cataclysm preview on page 44. He's seen the new old world, and explains exactly how Deathwing's emergence has reinvented Azeroth - as only a WoW veteran can.

As your kneecaps melt, you can flip to page 72 and read Martin Davies' feature on the making of Torchlight , and the first details of their upcoming Torchlight MMO .

Finally, as your grasping hand sinks into the molten copies of Nuts and Men's Health , your last regret will be never reading Tom's report on the updated AI for Supreme Commander 2 on page 116. Hint: they made it scary.

Remember to flip to the competition on page 87 to find out how you could win a Cyberpower Ultra Scylla worth £900 - sometimes it's as simple as making us laugh the most by wearing a silly hat.

Of course, if you want to avoid turning into a puddle of dedicated reader in the molten supermarket, you can buy an issue online here when it goes on sale on the 1st of July, or subscribe here .


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.